Yep you got it, re-la-tion-ships.
Those that know me are now thinking that I’m the last person that’s qualified to offer advice about relationships as my track record does not auger well to be taking on a subject of this magnitude.
But hold on keep reading because I'm about to take myself to a very dark place!
As you've already figured I'm not about to offer advice how to improve your relationship with your partner, your kids, your family or friends. What I'm about to talk to you about is your relationship with food and drink because the success in your health and fitness endeavours will depend entirely on your relationship with with food & drink and of training.
What most of you don’t know and I am about to fess up about one of the most intimate and tempestuous relationships of my 59year life…
Warning: If you are of a sensitive or easily offended nature please DO NOT continue reading this. :)
Over the years as a Personal Trainer I've just about heard every excuse in the book about why people have failed in their quest for a healthier version or not achieved what they initially set out to do with regards to their health and fitness, so with a tad of tongue in cheek I've decided to compile my Bullshit List and declare 2016 as the "Year of NO BULLSHIT".
I sincerely hope you forget all your Bullshit excuses and make this Your Year, the year where you look back in 12 months time, pat yourself on the back and say "Yep I did it"
So without further ado lets get to
Two weeks prior to winning my 8th consecutive INBA masters title last year I decided that once that prep was done and dusted I’d throw the book out and experiment with a totally new approach to eating.
After 8 consecutive years of competition I was so spent both mentally and physically to even contemplate doing it for a ninth year, I needed change in order to rejuvenate and prolong my winning streak.
I don’t know what possessed me to change the winning formula I’d followed successfully for 30 years but…